The "Out of the Sun" and "OOTS Simulator" applications contained in this update completely replace the old ones. If you have all of the Out of the Sun files on your hard drive, just replace your old "Out of the Sun" and "OOTS Simulator" files with these new files. You must keep your "OOTS Data" folder and all of its contents. If you have the CD version of Out of the Sun, you may put the new files anywhere you wish, as long as they stay together. You do not have to copy the OOTS Data folder to your hard drive, but if you don't the CD has to be inserted when you run the game.
Version Notes:
• Version 1.1 •
Under the File menu, there is a new item called 'Open Extra Mission' which allows you to play the extra missions we will be releasing from time to time. The first new mission (called "Kursk•Convoy Attack") is included with this update.
Under the Display menu, there is a new option called 'Skip Every Other Line.' When this option is checked, the simulator will only display every other line on the screen. Turn this option on to increase the frame rate (speed up) in the simulator. This option has no effect on the mission selection screens.
There have been several bug fixes, including improved joystick support.
• Version 1.0 •
Producer's Notes:
Unlike some games, "Out of the Sun" does not reduce the complexity of the flight modelling for easier skill levels. The "Arcade" flight models are still subject to the same computations as the "Veteran" versions. Instead, the "Arcade" versions have been given more thrust, better control response, and lighter wing loadings. This gives players aircraft that still "feel" like planes, albeit exceptionally fast and sharp-handling ones!
Proper use of the rudders is important in "Out of the Sun." Attempting to turn and roll using only the ailerons will cause an "out of trim" condition that results in increased drag, and reduced turning performance. However, a quick application of rudder in a tight dogfight, often referred to as a "snap shot," can allow the player to bring his guns to bear on an enemy when slow speeds have limited the effectiveness of the ailerons. The propeller's thrust over the rudder and elevators gives these control surfaces "bite" at speeds where the ailerons have less authority. The accuracy of the aerodynamic modelling in "Out of the Sun" properly simulates this effect based on the throttle/thrust setting of the aircraft. In addition, correct "rudder/roll" coupling is also present, causing planes to yaw AND roll using only the rudder.
Strafing moving vehicles in "Out of the Sun" can be particularly challenging. While it's very tempting to come in fast and low, diving attacks from above are often more effective. This is certainly the case against the thinner top armor of tanks. Again, using the rudder at low speeds allows the player to make quick aiming corrections.
Some aircraft are simply tougher to fly than others. For instance, the Stuka's slow speed and heavy control feel will prove just as challenging to the player as they did to real Luftwaffe pilots. Even the legendary tank-killer Hans-Erich Rudel was shot down over 30 times while at the controls of a Stuka!
One thing that players will probably notice is that the aircraft will tend to "wander" slightly, some more than others. Not only does each aircraft offer different levels of stability, but are also subjected to wind and turbulence effects. Very few real warbirds flew like they were on rails, and these flight models recreate this feeling. In addition, the "nose heavy" or "tail heavy" feelings of some aircraft have also been reproduced.
The scenarios themselves have been repeatedly tested and tweaked to be fun and challenging. Players will often notice that missions may not follow the briefings precisely. There are very few "scripted" events in the real-time "virtual" environments of "Out of the Sun." Instead of the entire battle revolving around the players, they're thrown into the middle of a chaotic and evolving situation. The tremendous number of variables involved means that few missions will ever play exactly the same way twice!
- Bryan Walker, Producer
Random notes from the programmers:
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the pretty graphical interface and the simulator are separate programs ("Out of the Sun" and "OOTS Simulator", respectively). You must therefore assign your joystick to "OOTS Simulator" instead of "Out of the Sun" if you want to control your plane with the joystick.
You may get the "not enough memory to run the game" message when going from the interface program to the sim or vice versa. This is most likely to happen if you have set the Preferred Memory Size of one program to be greater than the amount of memory available on your system. The best solution is to quit all other applications, and maybe even turn off some or all of your extensions, to make more memory available. The only other solution is to set the Preferred Memory Size of both programs to at least 100K less than the available memory.
We hope you have as much fun playing Out of the Sun as we did creating it! Please take the time to fill out the registration card and return it to us - your comments and suggestions are extremely valuable to us and are used when we come to design our future products.